Gordon Wilson
Owner and Managing Director

Since qualifying as a chartered accountant in 1992, Gordon has gained substantial experience in business and in managing complex projects. He has particular expertise in commercial transactions, negotiation, forensic and fraud investigations, receivership, manager, inspector and other formal insolvency appointments.
Gordon is a member of ICAS, he holds an ICAS practicing certificate and he is fellow of R3, the UK insolvency body.
Early in his career, Gordon was financial controller in a property development company which built student accommodation throughout the UK. He then joined a large firm of architects as turnaround manager overseeing a period of considerable change to internal procedures, processes and controls.
Gordon relocated to the Cayman Islands in 1999 and spent over 5 years with Deloitte in their financial advisory department where he was primarily responsible for the liquidation of EuroBank, a Cayman bank and trust company. This was a large complex project involving cross-border issues and criminal proceedings related to pre-liquidation money laundering allegations. Eurobank was concluded by a complex scheme of arrangement which saw depositors received a full return plus interest on their claims.
He relocated to the Isle of Man in 2005 to head up the European hedge fund administration operation of a privately owned Cayman based group. Over 5 years, he changed systems, personnel, procedures, controls, the customer base and the culture in the company, turning it into a market leader. He was promoted to global hedge fund lead for the group in early 2009, responsible for offices in the Isle of Man, US and Cayman.
Gordon joined PwC in the Isle of Man in late 2010 as a director of their advisory business and in 2012 he was appointed as inspector then Joint Liquidator on Louis Group, a sizable property and financial services group. He managed the Louis Group liquidation project for 4 years, dealing with property realisations all over Europe as well as investigating and reporting on director conduct and implementing a complex compromise arrangement prior to distributions to investors.
Gordon left PwC to found CW Consulting in June 2016 as a joint venture with Callin Wild, a prominent Isle of Man law firm. Subsequently, he acquired their interests in the company in June 2020 and is now sole owner. The company was renamed Gordon Wilson & Co. Ltd in early 2021.
During this time, Gordon has continued to work on formal insolvency appointments as well as other regulatory appointments for the IOM FSA including as receiver and manager, adviser and controller. He has also been appointed as joint liquidator with non-IOM based insolvency practitioners on a number of complex court liquidations where local assistance in IOM was needed. In 2019, Gordon negotiated the successful sale of a prominent Isle of Man business to a substantial UK based group for a private client.